Send MIME data

The SMTPeter REST API can be used to send mails in many different forms. The most pure one lets you send a MIME formatted message, where it is your own responsibility to pass a correctly formatted message to SMTPeter. The following example shows a very minimal API where just the MIME message and the recipient are passed:

POST /v1/send?access_token={YOUR_API_TOKEN} HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 9827

    "recipient":    "",
    "mime":         "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\nFrom: <>\r\n...."

To make the above example more readable, we cut down most of the mime string. In reality this string is much, much longer. A mime string should contain a header and a message body, separated by an empty line. Once extracted from the JSON object, the MIME message could for example look like this:

MIME-Version: 1.0
From: <>
To: "John Doe" <>
Subject: This is the subject line
Date: Thu, 23 May 2019 15:07:11 +0200
Content-Type: text/html

Hello John,

This is a very minimal e-mail message.



The above example shows just a simple MIME message. When you also include a HTML version in the mail, and/or attachments, or when you use special character sets in the message header, the message gets more complex.

The destination addess ( in our example) often has to be specified twice: as "recipient" property in the JSON, and also in the "to:" field of the message header. This is a consequence of the e-mail protocol that allows mails to be sent to other addresses then listed inside the mail (this is for example how BCC works).

Don't want to write MIME yourself?

Writing your own MIME is optional, you can also pass in individual message properties to the REST API. The MIME will then be built by SMTPeter.

POST /v1/send?access_token={YOUR_API_TOKEN} HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 7391

    "recipient":    "",
    "subject":      "This is a test mail",
    "from":         "",
    "to":           "John Doe <>",
    "text":         "This is the message body...",
    "html":         "<html><head>..."

The above API call is essentially the same as the first example, but this time the responsibility to generate the mail is passed on to SMTPeter. For more information on the supported properties, check out our JSON documentation.

The result of the send call is sent back in the HTTP response.