Retrieve events

Everything that passes through SMTPeter gets logged: deliveries, bounces, clicks, opens - all these events are written to log files. These log files are accessible through the REST API. However, if you are only interested in particular events that fulfill a certain requirement you can use the events rest call. All calls that are supported are:;OPTIONALTAG2;OPTIONALTAG3

Available parameters

You can specify extra options while retrieving events. You can add these extra options by adding an & after your access token, followed by the name of the option a = and the value of the option. The following parameters can be added to the URL as variables:

  • start: The start date (yyyy-mm-dd) from which you want to retrieve the events.
  • end: The (exclusive) end date (yyyy-mm-dd) until you want to retrieve events.
  • tags: Optional tags you want to filter for.

Start and end parameters

If no start and end parameters are provided you will get the default period for the particular events.

If you provide a start you will get events from the start date up to one month after the start.

If you provide an end, you will get the events from one month before the end up to (but excluding) the end.

If you provide both a start and an end and the interval between the two is longer than a month, it will be shortened to a month where the start is leading.

Take into account that the dates are treated as UTC dates. Also take into account that the monthly period limitation is subject to change if performance requires this.


If you provide a tags parameter, your events will also be filtered on the provided tag. If you filter on multiple tags you can separate the tags with a semicolon.

Returned information

After this call you receive a JSON with all the information you have requested.

The layout of this JSON is:

        "event" : "open|click|failure|...",
        "data" : {
            "fieldname1" : "data1",
            "fieldname2" : "data2",
        "event" : "open|click|failure|...",
        "data" : {
            "fieldname1" : "data1",
            "fieldname2" : "data2",

The event in the JSON describes which type of record it is. The events that are available are listed in the table below. The data that these events contain are described on the page of the particular log file.

Event Description
attempt General information about the message
bounce Information about a bounce
click Information about the clicks generated
delivery Information about the delivery
failure Information about a failed delivery
open Information about when the message is opened
[response](log-responses "responses log file) Information about response mails received by SMTPeter

Events based on messageid

If you want to retrieve the information about a particular message till one month after you have sent the message you can make a get request to

where MESSAGEID is the messageid of interest. If you want to have events for a different period, you can specify the start and/or end option.

Events based on an email address

If you want to retrieve information about a particular email address for the last monthly period, you can make a get request to:

where EMAILADDRESS is the address you are interested in. If you want to have events for a different period, you can specify the start and/or end option. Optionally, you can filter on tags as well by providing the tags option.

Events based on a template

If you want to retrieve the information about a particular template for the last monthly period, you can make a get request to:

where TEMPLATE is the id of the template you are interested in. If you want to have events for a different period, you can specify the start and/or end option. Optionally, you can filter on tags as well by providing the tags option.

Events based on tags

If you want to retrieve information about one tag, for the last monthly period you can make a get request to:

where TAG is the tag you are interested in. Optionally you can also filter on multiple tags. If you want to do so, you can extend the call to:;TAG2;TAG3;...

The returned JSON will only contain information for messages that have all tags set.

If you want to have events for a different period, you can specify the start and/or end option.

More information