Our sages have yet again come up with something to enhance your experience with SMTPeter: you get the option to set up WebHooks for bounces, failures, clicks and opens. With them, you'll be able to receive event notifications whenever something goes wrong while delivering your mail, or when recipients read or click it.
This information was already available via the dashboard and the REST API, but now you can get it real time. This gives you an enormous amount of useful information you can use to keep your mailing list clean and tidy and it gives you an insight in how your readers interact with the stuff you send them.
Bounce and failure WebHooks
If you are interested in getting notified about bounce messages, you might want to set up a WebHook for bounces. The bounce WebHooks not only notifies you about regular delivery status notifications, but also about messages in formats unlike the official format for bounce messages, such as out-of-office mails, vacation mails and error messages (e.g.'mailbox full'). Regular bounces and delivery status messages are recognized by SMTPeter and they trigger the failure WebHook, if configured.
Clicks and open WebHooks
If you have click tracking enabled, it is possible to set up a WebHook to get notified about every click we register. The same goes for opens: set up an open WebHook to get notifications whenever somebody opens an e-mail that was sent from your servers.
How does it work?
WebHooks really aren't all that complicated. You can set one up by entering your WebHook URL and the type(s) of WebHook(s) you wish to set up in the SMTPeter dashboard. Subsequently you will be guided through our verification procedure. Then, whenever your loops are triggered, we send an HTTP (or HTTPS) POST call to your server containing all relevant information. SMTPeter has a useful tool for testing your WebHook. Just enter the post data you'd like to send to your WebHook, and SMTPeter will send it to your WebHook URL right away.
For more in-depth information about WebHooks and how to set them up, visit our documentation page.